Pet Ownership Is Bad for Pets

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    Jurors Accepted
    Juror Verdicts Finalized

    The details, verdicts, and comments within this case record come from its participants. The Court's role is solely to facilitate the case process.

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  • Details

    Lie Truth

  • Verdicts

    Answer: Yes
    Answer Confidence: 75 %
    Supporting Text:
    While it may benefit individual animals, pet ownership is harmful to animals as a class.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    Pet ownership is essential to most animals life and death for animals bred as pets.

    Answer: Yes
    Answer Confidence: 75 %
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    While it may benefit individual animals, pet ownership is harmful to animals as a class.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 75 %
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    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    Domestic pet ownership can not be bad for pets - they are domesticated for a reason.

    Answer: Yes
    Answer Confidence: 75 %
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    The statement is mostly true as it relates to animals overall.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    No, it assumes that pet animals are wild animals which they are not.

    Answer: Yes
    Answer Confidence: 75 %
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    As it pertains to household domestic animals it appears to be the truth.

    Answer: Don't Know
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    As a pet owner throughout my life I can tell you pets need to be owned. They can not fend for themselves.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 75 %
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    While many feel that humans have "dominion over the beasts," pet ownership benefits humans far more than animals.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    same as above

    Answer: Don't Know
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    There are likely exceptions to the blanket statement wherein individual pets better off but the claim as whole is probably true.

    Answer: Don't Know
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    I agree puppy mills are horrible but as an owner of a rescue I can tell you she has the best life ever.

    There is little to no deceit in this statement.
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    The deceit is that pets are wild animals.
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    The statement is all encompassing and therefore may obscure some subtitles but this is not explicitly deceitful.
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    That pet ownership is bad for pets.
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    It is a misplaced opinion.
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    Answer: Don't Know
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    If there is a deceit, it is in ignoring that pet ownership may benefit some individual animals,

    Answer: Yes
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    Answer: Don't Know
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    If there is a deceit, it is in ignoring that pet ownership may benefit some individual animals,

    Answer: Don't Know
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    The author wants to change people's point of view on pet ownership.

    Answer: Don't Know
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    The statement is made to make folks reconsider the ethics of ownership of semi-sentient animals.
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    The motivation is to do away with pet ownserhip and Darwin.
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    There is tremendous human arrogance in domesticating pets which is largely ignored by society.
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    the author wants to change people's
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    It is just one person's opinion. Not sure if you can call it a lie.
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    Answer: Acceptable
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    Answer: Acceptable
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    Answer: Acceptable
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    Answer: Acceptable
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    Answer: Acceptable
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    This is a mostly true claim, but it overlooks the fact that individual animals may, from time to time, benefit from ownership.
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    Pets are bred by humans for a purpose just like any other natural selection source.
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    Domestic pet ownership does more harm than good for these creatures
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    There are certain facts in the text, some more exaggerated than others, but it also comes off as very opinionated.
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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    Add ' in my opinion ' to the heading.
    Answer Confidence: 100 %
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