Druids and Stonhenge

  • Status

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    Jurors Accepted
    Juror Verdicts Finalized

    The details, verdicts, and comments within this case record come from its participants. The Court's role is solely to facilitate the case process.

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  • Details

    Lie Truth

  • Verdicts

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 70 %
    Supporting Text:
    It is a mish-mash of parts of traditions.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 70 %
    Supporting Text:
    It is a mish-mash of parts of traditions.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 30 %
    Supporting Text:
    The only contentious words are "linked to" and "traditional white"; both are vague/ambiguous enough to dodge clear untruth.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 70 %
    Supporting Text:
    It is a mish-mash of parts of traditions.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 70 %
    Supporting Text:
    Largely created by Hollywood-type industry.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 70 %
    Supporting Text:
    Largely created by Hollywood-type industry.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 30 %
    Supporting Text:
    The Druids will be vastly outnumbered by a whole host of non-spiritualists; again, not a grave omission.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 70 %
    Supporting Text:
    Largely created by Hollywood-type industry.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 70 %
    Supporting Text:
    This is an example of making up a 'tradition,' then selling it to a willing public.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 70 %
    Supporting Text:
    This is an example of making up a 'tradition,' then selling it to a willing public.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 25 %
    Supporting Text:
    Again, the vague interpretation of "linked to" and "traditional" allows erroneous readings along with plausible ones.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 70 %
    Supporting Text:
    This is an example of making up a 'tradition,' then selling it to a willing public.

    The deceit is that a 'Druidic' tradition exists.
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    What they are selling is pure fantasy.

    The deceit is that a 'Druidic' tradition exists.
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    What they are selling is pure fantasy.

    The deceit is that a 'Druidic' tradition exists.
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    What they are selling is pure fantasy.

    The deceit is that a 'Druidic' tradition exists.
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    What they are selling is pure fantasy.

    Answer: Yes
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    It is a profitable industry.

    Answer: Yes
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    It is a profitable industry.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 25 %
    Supporting Text:
    Its just an attitude of repeating a mildly intriguing and eccentric story without bothering to challenge its veracity.

    Answer: No
    Answer Confidence: 25 %
    Supporting Text:
    Its just an attitude of repeating a mildly intriguing and eccentric story without bothering to challenge its veracity.

    To profit from a naive audience's hunger for magical solutions to the world.
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    Mysticism has a wide audience.

    To profit from a naive audience's hunger for stories that sound good.
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    Mysticism has a wide audience.

    To profit from a naive audience's hunger for magical solutions to the world.
    Answer Confidence: 50 %
    Supporting Text:
    Mysticism has a wide audience.

    To profit from a naive audience's hunger for magical solutions to the world.
    Answer Confidence: 50 %
    Supporting Text:
    Mysticism has a wide audience.

    Answer: Don't Know
    Answer Confidence: 10 %
    Supporting Text:
    It's pretty harmless.

    Answer: Unacceptable
    Answer Confidence: 10 %
    Supporting Text:
    I think it is in general not good to keep such stories in the media. There should be some reference to actual things people know. NPR did a bit of this.

    Answer: Don't Know
    Answer Confidence: 10 %
    Supporting Text:
    It's pretty harmless.

    Answer: Unacceptable
    Answer Confidence: 10 %
    Supporting Text:
    I think it is in general not good to keep such stories in the media. There should be some reference to actual things people know. NPR did a bit of this.

    The 'religious traditions' depicted are mostly imaginary.
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    For entertainment purposes only.

    The 'religious traditions' depicted are mostly imaginary.
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    For entertainment purposes only.

    The 'religious traditions' depicted are mostly imaginary.
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    For entertainment purposes only.

    The 'religious traditions' depicted are mostly imaginary.
    Answer Confidence: 90 %
    Supporting Text:
    For entertainment purposes only.